How does playfulness relate to philosophical practice?
Essential, icing on the cake – or, neither?
For a weekend in May, you are invited to take part in a community of inquiry investigating this theme through workshops and dialogue. We aim for an informal, intimate, learning-by-doing conference by practicing and reflecting together in and on workshops.
Keywords for this conference are inspiration, insight, and community.
11th Nordic Conference on Philosophical practice Göteborg May 18–19, 2024.
Download the program below.
How does playfulness relate to philosophical practice?
18–19 May 2024. Registration from 8.30, start 9.00 on 18th and ending 16.30 on 19th,
Göteborg in Sweden.
Our venue is Göteborgs Litteraturhus in central Göteborg. The closest tram stop is Järntorget.
75 EUR (or 850 SEK if you pay in SEK).
60 EUR (or 650 SEK if you pay in SEK).
Early bird end date is 2024-03-03, 23.00 CET.
Price includes coffee, tea, snacks and refreshments, and dinner on Saturday night.
REGISTRATION – The conference is now fully booked! Mail us if you want to be added to a waiting list.
(1) by email to nordic@ssfp.se and
(2) by payment to
IBAN SE0380000832799448571431
Bankgiro 5074-8904
Swish 123 321 66 45
PROGRAM for the conference
Download it here.
In your email, please state (a) food allergies and
(b) Saturday night dinner reservation (yes/no).
Latest registration date is 2023-04-18 at 23:00 CET.
SSFP wishes you the warmest welcome to the 11th Nordic Conference on
Philosophical Practice!
Best regards from all of us in the project group,
Christoffer Ring
Mathias Tistelgren
Miriam van der Valk
Tulsa Jansson
Conferences 2011–2024