The Swedish Association for Philosophical Practice (abbreviated SSFP in Swedish) is a non profit association who promote the practicing of philosophical dialogue at every level of the Swedish society, but foremost in healthcare, schools and public places such as libraries and museums.
We constitute a part of the informal international network of national associations with similar mission, for instance the Norwegian NSFP, the Danish DSFP, the Finnish Interbaas, the American APPA, etc . The main international events are the biennal conference of International Conference of Philosophical practice (ICPP) started in 1994 and the conference aimed at philosophy with/for children, International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC) started in 1985.
SSFP took initiative to the nordic conference on philosophical practice in 2013. The first conference was held at the Department for Philosophy at Lund University, Sweden. The conference of 2021 was postponed and will be held in Copenhagen in June 2022.
we are open for membership to those who are merely curious about philosophy in dialogue and who wants to suport our work, but we also train those who want to use philosophical practice in their profession.
Once a year we celebrate the world philosophy day which occurs in november.
Contact: Tulsa Jansson, chairman.