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EVENT Göteborg | Introduction to Philosophical Practice

29 april 2023 | 09:00 16:00

Filosofisk praktiker Mathias Tistelgren och franska Anna Touati kommer under en heldag att dela med sig av sitt sätt att arbeta med filosofisk praxis. Evenemanget är ett samarbete med SSFP. Språk: Engelska.

INFORMATION OCH ANMÄLAN till Mathias Tistelgren, filosofisk praktiker.

Introduction to Philosophical Practice
Part 1 – Philosophical Practice (9:00–12:00)
What is philosophical practice? How is it different from academic philosophy? Attitudes which facilitate philosophising: presence, availability, listening, playfulness, flexibility, etc. We will discuss these issues and more, and let you participate in a workshop.

Part 2 – Philosophical Consultation (13:00–16:00)
What is a philosophical consultation? How does it differ from therapy? What about the ethical dimension of having personal conversations with a stranger? We will discuss these questions, give a demonstration of a consultation and provide some tools and techniques which facilitate such a conversation.

Anna Touati is a philosophical practitioner trained by the Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques and is working at the “Maison de la Philo” (Paris) where she initiates children and teenagers into philosophical dialogue.

Mathias Tistelgren teaches philosophy in high school and is a philosophical practitioner trained by the Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques. He is a member of Svenska Sällskapet för Filosofisk Praxis (ssfp).

Participation is optional for either the whole day or just part 1 or part 2
Admission members SSFP FREE.
Admission non-members 100 Skr.
For more information, email

Med vänliga hälsningar
Mathias Tistelgren
Filosofisk praktiker, SSFP & IPP
Lärare i filosofi, Lerums gymnasium

Göteborgs Litteraturhus

Heurlins plats 1B
Göteborg, 413 01 Sverige
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